Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's almost time to gooo...

Today was my last day home! I'm a bit sad that I didn't spend that much time with my family, though. Sarah and I went window shopping, then ran into a boy with sweet supras. We asked him where he got his shoes, and got lost in Charlotte trying to find the store. Actually, we got lost trying to leave Charlotte, we found the store just fine. They really need to make better girls' shoes. There's always a wall of guy's shoes, and a shelf for girls. Anyways, they didn't have the ones we wanted, so we just made some online. I'll add a picture =D I can't wait to get them in the mail...they're flossy XD I added that for Oanh. Manuel, Melissa, and I watched some movies. They were crazy. The last one was pretty good, "Wristcutters: A Love Story." Sounds depressing, but it's not. I should be asleep now. I need to get up in about 7 hours to get leave the countryyyy. The flight is going to be so long... Good thing I printed out the pre-class reading...even though I probably should have already read it. We got an email today saying we might get to learn to box in Thailand. SWEET. Next time I add something, it'll probably be from Singapore!


  1. oo the shoe is sexy. have fun :)

  2. I will misss you during the summer, but I know you will have lots of fun! For sure I am going to visit you during Navidad. Love you and stay healthy!!!! Muuuaaaaaaaaa
